How Tall Can a Fence Be?


What do the regulations say?

The main legislation is The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Schedule 2 Part 2. This outlines the permitted development rights for minor operations like fences and gates, etc.

To summarise this, if you wish to build a fence adjacent to a highway used by vehicular traffic then you will not be permitted to build above 1m without planning permission unless you're a school in which case it is 2m so long as it doesn't restrict the view of persons using the highway and cause a danger.

For fences not adjacent to the highway development will not be permitted if the fence is higher than whichever is the greater of 2m or the former height of any boundary that has been maintained, improved or altered.

Development will also not be permitted if the works are being carried out to a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure on a listed building.

Other guidelines

There may also be stipulations placed upon properties that are within conservation areas or areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONB). It is recommended to contact the local authority's planning department if there are any concerns. The planning department for Colchester Borough Council can be reached by contacting them by telelphone on 01206 282424 or by email at